Summer Solstice; SHINE BRIGHTLY BUT don’t BURN out!

As we approach a week filled with celestial wonder and seasonal celebrations, there’s much to look forward to with the Summer Solstice on June 20th and the Strawberry Full Moon on June 21st. This rare convergence of the sun and moon’s energies invites us to reflect, celebrate, and find balance in our lives.

For me, this week is all about balance and celebration. With us celebrating both the Sun and the Moon in the same week, it has made me really reflect on balance. 

Next year I turn 40, which feels like a real midpoint in my life - and while we are currently at the midpoint of the year, it has got me feeling all the emotions! 

Like a lot of you gorgeous women my age I chat to at markets, the inevitable topic of peri-menopause comes up, which is usually paired with chatting about discovering neurodivergent traits later in life. I think it’s SO important to keep having these conversations as not only do these two subjects go hand in hand in making having female hormones especially challenging, but they are also subjects that aren’t taken seriously enough and incredibly can STILL be taboo.

I’m also looking into help in the form of HRT - which I haven’t wanted to even think about for ages! But like all women, I deserve to have the energy to live my life and get the help I need to do this.

We are all seeking balance in our lives and in the meantime I’ve found spending as much time in nature and with the incredible women I know to be one of the best ways to find it. That’s why I have been focusing a lot at the moment on my jewellery inspired by nature.

Reap the rewards but be aware of burnout☀️

The Summer Solstice is the time of reaping what you sow. Those seeds you planted earlier in the year, whether that was for your personal life, working life or something else, now is the time to reap those rewards. 

However, with all of this messaging, it can be so easy to fall into burnout. If you are anything like me, as soon as I start to hear messages like ‘fully embrace the time of year!’ and ‘NOW is the time to reap the rewards of your hard work!’ all I start to feel is panic. 

Like, argh, wait! I’m not ready yet, I haven’t finished half the things I was meant to do before the halfway point of the year!  Argh pressure!  

I’m going away to Scotland this week with an amazing bunch of people to celebrate the solstice and I’m even feeling pressure about doing my holiday right!  😅🙈
There will definitely be some of my AuDHD creeping in there, so I need to step in and remind myself that all life is cyclical. I am just learning to live seasonally and to recognise and celebrate the changing nature of well... Nature! 

I am not going to get everything right straight away or maybe even feel in tune with everything, but it is a process and I can celebrate the things I have been noticing recently, like the birdsong, the weeds growing out the front of my flat which are attracting the bees, the wild strawberries which are almost ready to pluck! The work behind the scenes that I have been doing on making me feel in tune with me.

If you feel the same, just know you are not alone. You can embrace the Summer Solstice and this wonderful time of year, but don't put too much pressure on yourself or look at what others are doing - find your own natural rhythm and what feels like a celebration for YOU. 

Some ideas for how to celebrate the Summer Solstice…

☀️ Get out into nature - take a walk, hug some trees, enjoy the Sun! (if we get any that is)
☀️ Meditate in the grass - Sit and feel the grass beneath you, let it ground you and set some intentions for the rest of the year.
☀️ Invite friends over for a BBQ - Summer Solstice is a fire festival, so fire up the BBQ and spend time with your loved ones!
☀️ Pick some wildflowers - Nothing says Summer like some delicate Daisies. 

☀️Get it out of your head - If you have the capacity to free write any overwhelming feelings then have a go. it always helps me to see stuff written out on a page.

Do you have any special rituals you like to take part in for the Summer Solstice? I’d love to hear more from you and start up a conversation in the comments!

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