Sara Pascoe Pet Portrait
Hell Yeah!
I am super chuffed to be writing about this. Probably the most exciting commission I have done so far. I’ll start at the beginning. I have always been a massive fan of Sara Pascoe and after reading her enlightening book ‘Animal’ (highly recommend you read this!) which combines autobiography and evolutionary history to create a funny, fascinating insight into the forces that mould and affect modern women, I loved her even more!
In her book she mentions the love hormone oxytocin so I decided to take along one of my oxytocin molecule necklaces to her LADS, LADS, LADS! gig at the glee club back in February to give to her as a little thank you for all the laughs.
So I decided to make her a pet portrait of her beloved new puppy mouse. If you follow her on Instagram you will no doubt have seen this gorgeously cute creature.
Here he is, what an absolute star (@mousethedog)
With all my pet portraits, there are several stages to the process:
Figuring out the right size for the piece. Do we want a great amount of detail or a general likeness?
Stencilling from photographs. I like to take a picture and place it in Illustrator so that I can trace the face of the animal and maintain key features.
Colour block the stencil so that we get the shading just right.
This process can take a while as I need to get the character and look of the pet across. Once I am happy with the design I start to cut out each individual piece, assembling and glueing them into place to create the final necklace.
And voila!
Your pet has been immortalised in acrylic for you to wear with you everywhere you go.
Sara was so pleased with the necklace of mouse she even wore it on her birthday!!!
Thanks Sara! (and Mouse)
Fancy surprising a loved one or treating yourself to a pet portrait?
Find out about my pet portraits and take a look at some of my past work.